It only took a school two years for its students to generate $136,167!

Learn how Venderly helped Cantwell's Bridge 8th graders increase their revenue:

(PS - Business is now the 5th largest HS pathway in the district, up from 12th)


What's next:

We help you establish and grow e-commerce stores that generate revenue for years to come.


a meeting

A Venderly team member will walk you thru the details and how to plan for success.


your account(s)

Starting an account to accept digital payments only takes ~10 minutes.


your revenues

We are here to support you each step of the way to help you grow your revenues.

We have helped to generate over $500,000 and counting...

what are you waiting for?

We have helped schools generate hundreds (and hundreds!) of thousands...

...and we can help you, too.

We have helped schools generate oodles of money...

and we can help you, too.